Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Reports Administration

New reports can be created to view information about accounts, Cases, Persons, Promises, Payments, End User performance, and workflows in Temenos Infinity. Reports can run and managed from the Work section in the Ribbon Bar.   

Clicking  in the Ribbon bar opens the Reports page. From this page, administrators are able to create, copy, edit, and delete reports.

The  button is only enabled for Advanced Report building. For more information on this feature, contact a Temenos Account Manager and/or refer to the Advanced Report Builder section within this guide.

Report Attributes

All reports share common attributes that are defined when creating, copying, and editing a report.


Within the Define tab, enter the general information for the report.

The following attributes are defined within this tab:

Attribute Description
Name Enter a name for the report. This is a required field.
Description If necessary, enter a description for the new report.
Report Type

Select a Report Type from the drop-down. This determines what fields are included within the report data. The following report types are available for selection: 

Report Type Description
Account Report This report type includes fields specific to accounts.
Case Report This report type includes fields specific to cases.
Expense Report This report type includes expense level fields that are populated from the Expenses screen.
Payment Report This report type includes fields that are included in daily payment imports.
Person Report This report type includes fields specific to persons.
User Report

This report type includes fields that relate to user activity.

If desired, system administrators can use this report type to create a report of active users at the institution, which can then be exported to Excel, and used to automatically populate connector credentials for each user in Temenos Infinity. For more information on this functionality, please see the Credentials section of the Users topic in this guide.
Workflow Archive Report This report type includes fields that relate to work that is being performed within the system.
Workflow/Comment Report This report type includes fields that relate to work that is being performed within the system with the addition of comment related fields.
Report Creation Type

Select the Report Creation Type from the drop-down. The following options are available:

Report Creation Type Description
Standard Reports that are built through the Temenos Standard Report Viewer.
Predefined Reports that are built through Microsoft Reporting Definition Language.
Advanced Reports built using the Temenos Advanced Report Designer. For more information on this feature, contact a Temenos Account Manager and/or refer to the Advanced Report Builder topic within this guide.
Upload Report Definition Click Browse to upload a saved RDL file. This field is only enabled for Pre-defined reports.
Vendor Report

Select the check box to identify the report as a vendor report.

This check box is only enabled for Application type reports.

By default, this check box is set to false. When set to true, the report populates as an option to assign to a vendor for use in a vendor instance of Virtual Capture. A two-box control populates within the Security tab in the report configuration window to assign vendors to the report, and the report is listed as an available option to assign to a specific vendor within the Vendor Portal Reports tab in Vendor Management.

For more information on assigning reports to a vendor, please see the Security section in this topic, and/or the Vendor Portal Reports section of the Vendor Management topic in this guide.


The Fields tab is only enabled when a Standard Report is being created.

Field attributes enable administrators to select the fields that display in the report. The order that the fields are listed in this tab determines the order in which they appear within the report.

The Fields tab displays the following columns of information about each field:

Column Name Description
Field Path Displays the path of the field in the database.
Display Name The name of the field as it appears in the report. Users can change the name by clicking within the column.
Sort Defines how the field data is displayed. Clicking within the column opens a drop-down in which the user can select None, Ascending, or Descending.
Sub Total

Performs calculations at a group level. Clicking within this column opens a drop-down including the following options:

  • GroupBy
  • Sum
  • Avg
  • Min
  • Max
  • Count
If selecting the Group By option from the drop-down, the report field is grouped by the Display Name.
Grand Total

Performs a total calculation for all records in the report according to the calculation type selected. Clicking within this column opens a drop-down including the following options:

  • None
  • Sum
  • Avg
  • Min
  • Max
  • Count
Decimal Places Defines the number of decimal places. This column is used for interest rates only.

Field Tips

Prior to adding fields to a report, it is recommended to review the following to ensure the expected data populates in the report:


The Criteria tab is only enabled when a Standard Report is being created.

Within the Criteria tab, use the criteria builder to specify what data is included in the report.

When a date range is not specified within the report criteria and the report is configured to prompt the user to enter a date range, the End Date range assumes a time of 00:00:00 if a time is not appended to the end date when the report is run. To ensure information for the desired end date is included within the report, users can add a time in 00:00:00 format to the End Date or select a date that is one day ahead of the desired end date. For example, if a report is to include information from 4/1/2015 to 4/28/2015, in order to ensure information for 4/28/2015 is included, a date range of or 4/29/2015 or 4/28/2015 11:59:59 PM must be entered as shown in the below example:

For more information on the Criteria Builder, see the Criteria Builder Help topic within this guide.


Within the Schedule tab, determine if the new report is to run on demand or based on a schedule.

If Based on a schedule is selected, users can define when the report is to be run, and where it is delivered, as shown in the below example:

The SQL Server Agent service must be started in the database in order for scheduled reports to run. If SQL Server Agent service is not running, an error is received when trying to access a scheduled report in Temenos Infinity.

Upon selecting Based on Schedule, the Schedule tab updates to include the following attributes, which provide the ability to define the time configurations, and delivery location, for the report:

Attribute Description
Select how you want this report to be scheduled

Provides the ability to define the frequency in which the report as run, as well as the start and end dates for the report's generation. This attribute includes the following three sections of information:


Section Description
Section 1

Select a one of the following radio buttons to determine the frequency in which the report is run:

  • Hour
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
Section 2

Define additional information about the frequency in which the report should be run, such as the specific days of the week, or months of the year. The information that appears in this section is based on the frequency selected to allow system administrators to define specific details for their desired time-frame:


When Hour is selected as the frequency, this section appears as follows:

Enter a numerical value within each text box to determine how often (in hours and minutes) the report is run. For example, every 6 hours and 15 minutes.


When Daily is selected as the frequency, this section appears as follows:

Select one of the following radio buttons to determine if the report is run once every certain number of days, or once each weekday:

  • Every [ ] days - Runs the report once after the number of days configured for the parameter have passed. If this value is desired, enter a numerical value within the text box to define the number of days that must pass between each report generation. For example, every 2 days.
  • Every weekday - Runs the report once every weekday.


When Weekly is selected as the frequency, this section appears as follows:

Enter a numerical value within the text box to define how often (in weeks) the report is to be run, and select the check box next to each of the desired days. 


When Monthly is selected as the frequency, this section appears as follows:

Select the check box next to each month in which the report should be run, as well as one of the following radio buttons to define when the report is run during that month:

  • On week of month [ ] - Runs the report on specific days of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last week of the month. If this value is desired, select an option from the drop-down list to identify the week of the month the report is to be run, and a check box next to each day of that week that the report generation should occur.
  • On calendar days(s) [ ] - Runs the report on specific days of the month. If this value is desired, enter a numerical value within the text box to determine on which calendar days the report is to be generated.
Section 3 Define the Start and End options for the report's schedule, such as the date the schedule starts, the time of the day the report is run, and the last date the report is generated on the schedule.
Deliver Report To

Provides the ability to select one of the following values from the drop-down list to determine if the scheduled report is delivered via email, or to a Windows file share location defined by the institution:

By default, this attribute is set to Email.
  • Email - The report is sent to the email address(es) entered within the Subscribe tab of the report configuration window.
  • Windows File Share - The report is sent to the File Path location defined within the Report Server Credentials section of the General tab in Administrative Settings, or the Windows File Share Configurations section of the report configuration window.
  • Both - The report is sent to the File Path location defined for the report, as well as the email address(es) entered within the Subscribe tab.

When set to Windows File Share or Both, additional fields populate within the Schedule tab to define the details for the file being generated. Please see the Windows File Share Configurations section in this topic for more information.

If set to Windows File Share or Both, a folder must be created by the institution in the file path location for the report prior to the report being delivered.

A minimum requirement to export reports to a shared location is SQL Server 2014 or higher.

Windows File Share Configurations

When Deliver Report To is set to Windows File Share or Both, the Schedule tab updates to include a Windows File Share Configurations section, as shown in the below image. This section includes the details that must be defined for the file being sent to the share drive.

The following required fields populate within the Schedule tab to define the details for the file being generated for the report:

Attribute Description
File Name

Enter the name of the file. If it is desired to add a file extension when the file is created, select the check box below the File Name attribute titled Add a file extension when file is created.

The Add a File Extension check box defaults to false.


Enter the file path location where the report is to be exported. If a file path is not defined, the report is exported to the File Path location set within the Report Server Credentials section of the General tab in Administrative Settings.

The file path location must begin with "\\" in order to conform to the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) format. If "\\" does not appear in the beginning of the file path, an error is received upon saving the Administrative Settings page.
A folder must be created in the file path location by the institution, prior to the report(s) being delivered.
Render Format

Select an option from the drop-down list to identify the format of the file being generated. This drop-down defaults to Excel, and includes a list of the following values:

  • Excel
  • PDF
  • XML file with report data
  • CSV (comma delimited)
  • Data Feed
  • MHTML (web archive)
  • TIFF file
  • Word
Overwrite Options

Select one of the following options to determine the behavior that occurs each time a file for the report is generated and placed in the share location:

By default, this attribute is set to Overwrite an existing file with a newer version.
Overwrite Option Behavior
Overwrite an existing file with a newer version This option overwrites the existing file in the share path location, and replaces it with the new file generated for the report. 
Do not overwrite the file if a previous version exists This option does not overwrite an existing file in the share path location. When there is an existing report in the share path location, the new report is not generated on the server, but is added to Report History for later viewing.
Increment file names as newer versions are added This option adds a new file to the share path location with an underscore and number, which increments as newer files are added. For example, Report File.pdf, Report File_1.pdf, Report File_2.pdf.


Security attributes enable administrators to assign available Users and/or Groups access to the report.

The following Security attributes are defined within the Security tab:

Attribute Description
Assign Users

Select the desired users from the Available Users list, and move them to Assigned Users list, to provide users access to the report in Temenos Infinity.

The Available User box includes a list of all active users in System Management > Users.

Assign Groups

Select the desired security groups from the Available Groups list, and move them to Assigned Groups list, to provide users in the group access to the report.

The Available Groups box includes a list of all active security groups in System Management > Groups > Security Groups.


If Based on a schedule is selected in the Schedule tab, and the Deliver Report To attribute is set to Email or Both, the Subscribe tab is enabled.

This tab is disabled when a report is set to run on demand, or when based on a schedule and Deliver Report To is set to Windows File Share.

Users can enter email addresses within the text area to receive the report results once the report is run. For this feature to work, system email settings must be configured in System Management > Administrative Settings > Email Settings.        


The Categories tab provides administrators with the ability to assign the report to specific categories. 

The following attribute is defined within the Category tab:

Attribute Description
Assign Categories Select a category from the Available Categories list and move to the Assigned Categories list to make the report accessible to the category.

Creating a Report

To create a report:

Copying a Report

To copy a report

Editing a Report

To edit a report:

If changes are made to the report Fields or Criteria, select Save and Edit Design or Save and Reset Design within the Save drop-down to overwrite the report's previous design.

Deleting a Report



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